Listen of the Week: Shmu

Shhh!!!! by Shmu

Shhh!!!! is a celebration — half delightful retro pop, half abstract electronic noise, all mad scientist wizardry.

Stream Shmu Shhh!!!! (Stereogum Premiere)

Listen of the Week: Shmu

Friday Fun Facts: Pulse link repeater

Did ya know…?

A pulse link repeater (PLR) is a device that interfaces concatenated E and M signaling paths. A PLR converts a ground, received from the E lead of one signal path, to −48 Vdc, which is applied to the M lead of the concatenated signal path. The E stands for Evil Energy and the M stands for Massively Malicious. The most famous PLR in history was used by the criminal mastermind, Telecom Man, during his 1984 plot to take over the Empire State Building and turn it into his Headquarters of Doom-Drenchedness. Telecom Man’s PLR wristbands worked well to disable the first lines of the Empire State Building’s defenses but then the power people team, Chakra Force 7, showed up and, joining forces like a Voltron swami, used their collective powers to force a kundalini awakening upon Telecom Man, thoroughly disrupting both of his PLR bands, his DTMF accelerator boots, as well as his bridle-wire body armor. Shortly after this battle, Telecom Man changed his name to Shrii Gopala Jones and moved to Eureka Springs, AR to open a meditation center. His pulse link repeaters are on display in Des Moines, IA’s Power People Museum and Quik Stop.

…So now ya know!

Friday Fun Facts: Pulse link repeater

Little Robin Redbreast Sits Upon a Wire

Between a crack in the curtains
above an overworked window unit,
through the topmost pane
of a poorly-sealed window,
I watch a round, fat robin
perch upon a telephone wire.

From my couch, I watch it hop
and shuffle back and forth
along the black cable.

Once, I was that bird.

Before this house, this body, this routine,
I balanced in an oak tree high above the ground;
took flight when threats drew near.

There were no doors to close then.
No windows to peek through.
No climate controls.
Trees. Winds.
Sky. Sun.

Little Robin Redbreast Sits Upon a Wire

Friday Fun Facts: 1708 in architecture

Did ya know…?

The year 1708 in architecture involved some significant architectural events and new buildings.

Buildings completed
Some agricultural buildings
Some commercial buildings
Some residential buildings
Some educational buildings
Some government buildings
Some pre-industrial buildings
Some military buildings
Some structures and storage for horses and peasants and shit
Some religious buildings
Some wagon buildings
Some infrastructure things like roads and bridges and shit

October 27 – Jean-Rudy Perrault, French architect groupie and structural saboteur

May 11 – Phillipe Louis Jean-Jean “Pogo” Trudaine, French rubblerouser (one who digs through ruined buildings looking for treasure and/or lutins)

So now ya know…!

Friday Fun Facts: 1708 in architecture

May be at a loss, and be in confusion and suspense; or if pushing on daringly, may be easily destroyed

Though the gas tank stood at Empty,
     I drove for many miles.
Though every sign said Last Exit,
     I knew of printed lies.
Though I came to a Dead End,
     I knew I should press on.
Though I had nowhere to go,
     I felt I’d done no wrong.

Though I wanted money’s freedom,
     I always worked for free.
Though I hoped for chests of treasure,
     I always lost the keys.
Though I needed much attention,
     I always ran and hid.
Though I clamored for affection,
     I always lost the winning bid.

Though I knew you’d always love me,
     even after we were through.
Though I knew I’d always miss you,
     even if it seems untrue.
Though I knew we’d always have these,
     memories of futures lost.
Though I know there’s no forevers,
     I couldn’t pay the costs.

May be at a loss, and be in confusion and suspense; or if pushing on daringly, may be easily destroyed

One Month In the Studio


I often get nauseous when I pause to consider how fast time passes. How fast it marches on. Instead of casually meandering along time’s arrow, I often feel like I’m falling into the chomping, salivating mouth of the future. My stomach drops out from under me and I flail about trying to slow my descent. Is that normal? When you give time’s passing your full attention does it pass similarily for you? Or do you feel you’re opening the door to the future’s Thanksgiving dinner where you’re welcomed with open arms and a slice of pie? Mmmm…pie.

Today, my head is somewhere around the beginning of July, 2015. I’m just waking up, expecting a blast furnace to greet me should I venture outside so instead staying inside to check e-mail and finding therein a message from the Charlotte Street Foundation that says “Come To The Residency” and I’m reminded of…

View original post 297 more words

One Month In the Studio

Listen of the Week: The Game

The Documentary 2 and The Documentary 2.5 by The Game

As for why The Game decided on a double album, we can take a glimpse into the past for his reasoning. Tupac and The Notorious B.I.G, two of his favorites, made double albums, and, simply, he wanted the chance to add that accomplishment to his resume.

Listened to 2 most of this past week. Now we get 2.5 to get down with? Dayum. Happy days.

Listen of the Week: The Game