Good stuff, good stuff

Obama, very well-informed and even-keeled.
McCain, pretty shaky up front yet much more comfortable and convicted toward the end.

Unfortunately, it’s gonna take a lot more than national security experience for me to overlook choosing this airhead as your running mate:

(Thanks, Chris.)

Now, do you think at the VP debates next week – we’ll be seeing a “microphone” on Palin’s back?
trust no one

Good stuff, good stuff

Nothing new to my long-time readers

But I’ve finally gotten around to resurrecting a bunch of old content from Badda Boom! Badda Bing!. I’ve started with non-blog writing and will slowly be working my way through importing old BB! posts here. There’s plenty of old BB! content already but there’s a mountain left to import and not all of the images work right on those already imported – so lots to clean up.

Nothing new to my long-time readers

Voting the way we do

If Democrats want to understand what makes people vote Republican, they must first understand the full spectrum of American moral concerns. They should then consider whether they can use more of that spectrum themselves. The Democrats would lose their souls if they ever abandoned their commitment to social justice, but social justice is about getting fair relationships among the parts of the nation. This often divisive struggle among the parts must be balanced by a clear and oft-repeated commitment to guarding the precious coherence of the whole. America lacks the long history, small size, ethnic homogeneity, and soccer mania that holds many other nations together, so our flag, our founding fathers, our military, and our common language take on a moral importance that many liberals find hard to fathom.

Unity is not the great need of the hour, it is the eternal struggle of our immigrant nation. The three Durkheimian foundations of ingroup, authority, and purity are powerful tools in that struggle. Until Democrats understand this point, they will be vulnerable to the seductive but false belief that Americans vote for Republicans primarily because they have been duped into doing so.

Voting the way we do

Pres Prediction #1

Oct. 2 – VP Debates in the STL – Biden will clearly outshine Palin. This, however, will serve to further endear many people to Palin. In fact, many will actually comment that they felt sorry for her up there, that she was out of her league. Despite this, we will see yet another favorable bump in the polls for her ticket. Why? I can’t quite pin down why, but after the last week and a half of paying attention to the way in which many of her supporters say or imply, “I trust her,” (though I’m doubtful most had even heard of her up until 3 weeks ago) I’m inclined to chalk up my prediction mostly to inherent human irrationality.

Pres Prediction #1