One month to go

Yup. We’re supposed to be welcoming into the world a little LL Cool Preu one month from today. Last night, we went to our second birthing class (missed the first one) where we learned about labor positions. We also learned that Sarah failed to get as a shower gift her birthing unitard (please click link above). What else did we learn? Well, we were the demo couple for how to use the hospital bed during labor. Sarah got put on all fours. That was exciting.

We learned we needed a focal point during labor pains to get Sarah’s attention elsewhere. We chose a stunning photo of a tiger with the word COURAGE typed in gold:

“Eye of the Tiger” will be on our birthing soundtrack. Along with “The Final Countdown,” “Sweet Child O’ Mine” and many other contraction-easing jams. The birthing class suggested we use Enya, John Tesh and pretty much every song from the Sleepless in Seattle soundtrack but we were both afraid that our child might file for divorce if he learned we welcomed him into the world with that gunk.

We further learned that massage tools always make people giggle, no matter their intended usage.

We also learned that fathers who spend at least 15 minutes with their newborn and the mother, without anyone else around, are many times more likely to spend more time with that child during the first 3 years of its life. (After that, I’m not sure what happens.)

We learned two different things while watching a video of a lady filmed during her labor and delivery. Sarah learned that she thinks birth is unnatural. I learned that birth takes more bad-assness than I’ve got and I’m glad my baby momma is a bad-ass herself.

Finally, we learned that my jokes probably won’t be appreciated during active labor and we’ll be better off if I’m just strong and supportive and ready with cool rags, cinnamon essence and sweet words of encouragement.

People, let me tell you – this is gonna be so incredible.

One month to go

7 thoughts on “One month to go

  1. Balmsquad says:

    I’ve got pictures of everything if you want a last minute crash-course! And I personally reccomend Jeff Buckley. 😉


  2. sarah says:

    really, it’s not that i think it’s unnatural, but maybe just too natural. fucking primal. that was what hit me, and i’ve seen these images many times and never did the reality of the primitiveness of the situation hit me so hard. it’s unsettling, that kind of primal connection to the world. i’ve always enjoyed being rather disassociative and detached in situations involving massive trauma to my body. But it’s becoming a more vivid reality all the time.


  3. sarah says:

    i think there is something to be said for a kick-ass soundtrack. I think Wishing Well should also be on there. Terence Trent D’Arby – now that’s my kinda inspirational track.


  4. FlyGuy says:

    Just wait man… it’s the coolest thing EVER!!! Now I’m not sure about all that other stuff with pictures and music and focus points… but then again my wife can shoot a baby out… We checked in at 1pm, called the Doc in at 4pm and had the baby at 4:22pm. So lets just hope you guys move like that.


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